A Note from KC Yoga Kula Owner, Nancy Kaul

It is time to speak up.

I’ve been avoiding social media for the past couple of weeks because I’ve been struggling to find the words to express what I’m sensing.  Even with the right words, I didn’t feel like my voice, the voice of a white woman of privilege, was the right vehicle to speak to the injustices we’ve all witnessed.

I have been reading, listening, engaging with friends and family, trying to educate myself and asking how to be better, how to do better, because that is what is needed. It’s no surprise that I’ve uncovered many blind spots and uncomfortable truths about my own narrative that need to be addressed.

One of the things I realized is that I cannot be silent. We must all stand with the black community and those protesting police violence. This is a moment in history that we must take to heart; and the time for action is now, before the moment fades.  

Let this be a time to examine the ways in which we contribute to perpetuating injustice, and work toward being part of the solution. We can do this through listening, learning, engaging, donating, signing petitions, supporting minority owned businesses, contacting elected officials or supporting Black Lives Matter in any way that we can. Not surprisingly, just like our yoga practice, this looks different on different people and on different days. I am a work in progress, with a long way to go, but I am committed to continuing the conversation because it’s important.

Part of our mission at KC Yoga Kula has always been to give back to the community by donating to local charitable organizations.  We will continue that mission with more focus on organizations that combat racial injustice, violence, homelessness, and hunger while uplifting black and marginalized people.